When I started my last school year in August of 2005, I had only known that I was pregnant for about two weeks. I was beaming with excitment so you can imagine that it was one of the very first things I shared with my new crop of students. And of course, that meant that they all went right home to tell their parents that their teacher (of one day) was pregnant. One of my students told her family that I was pregnant that night after the first day of school. Hearing this, her dad simply said, "She's having twins." Now keep in mind that I didn't find out that I was having twins until the middle of September...this was the beginning of August.
It was only after I found out about the twins that they shared this story with me. We laugh and joke about it whenever we see each other now, but it's that just crazy? Well, the whole reason for me sharing that with you is because at the end of the year they gave me a little book called "Hugs for New Moms". I've kept it on my night stand and sometimes I'll pick it up and flip through...today I happened to flip through and this is what the page I landed on read.....
When motherhood is draining the best of you and you feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped for the responsibilties of caring for your family, look up and remember that I'm your ever-present helper!
Come to Me, and I'll refresh you and recharge your emotional, physical, and spiritual batteries. You'll find that with My help you can accomplish amazing things you could never do alone.
Energizing you,
Your All-Powerful God
-from Psalm 121:1-2; Matthew 11:28; Philippians 4:13
That's so weird! I keep a book just like that on my bedside table...and in it is an excerpt that reads like this:
ReplyDeleteWhen motherhood is draining the best of you and you feel overwhelmed and ill-equipped for the responsibilties of caring for your family, look up and remember that I'm your ever-present helper!
Come to Me, and I'll refresh you and recharge your emotional, physical, and sexual batteries. You'll find that with my help you can accomplish amazing things you could never do alone. It's called Liquid Courage.
Energizing you,
All-Powerful Tequila