Since Halloween has been in the stores for weeks now, the buzz in our house (and car) has been what the boys will be for Halloween. We've been the proverbial PUMPKINS
{they were too big that first Halloween to be two peas in a pod, but I did consider it}
2006 |
We've been MONKEYS, and at 20 months old they were actually...monkeys
2007 |
2007 |
We've been "THE FARM"...that's right. They wanted to be "the farm" so we were farmers...
it's the best I could do. This was also the year that they wanted to say "Happy Halloween,"
but all that would come out was "Happy 'Ween!"
2008 |
And we've been in both of them. They both wanted to be Spiderman so we found red spiderman and black spiderman. I learned later that black Spiderman was apparently a very scary character. Opps.
2009 |
This year the Halloween discussion started the same week they were studying people who help in the community at school so Tradd has decided he wants to be a fireman and Jackson wants to be a policeman. That being said, the following conversation was overheard from the backseat yesterday...
Tradd: Jackson, are you gonna be a Policeman?
Jackson: Yep!
Tradd: Ohhh, are you gonna have those silver hand traps?
Jackson: You mean handcups?
Tradd: Yeah, that's what I meant. Handcups.
So there you have it...we'll be toting fake hoses and handcups...
what are you and your little ones going to be for Halloween?
Note: During the writing of this post, Jackson came in to tell me he now wants to be a pterodactyl. Fabulous.