1. A few weeks ago I turned 35. It feels different. It feels weird coming out of my mouth. 35. I remember when my parents were 35.
2. My birthday was made special by my sweet family and friends. A few of my girlfriends got together for dinner the night before and gave me the sweetest gifts...so thoughtful. Just makes you feel good when someone knows you well enough to surprise you with a just-right present.
3. Then my family celebrated some more at our tailgate the day after my birthday and again...sweet sercis for the birthday girl. And my mom got me a cake because that's what mamas do. I have always felt like everyone needs a proper cake on their birthday. Thanks, mama!
4. Enough about me.
5. Well one more thing...Holiday Market season is in full swing. I am really looking forward to this year. You see, this year is what some would call "the calm before the storm." I am Co-Vice Chairing the market this year with my best girl, Claudia. This is basically the year that we are in charge of a FEW things and are expected to observe our chairs and committee so we'll know what to do next year.... when the storm hits.
Me and Claude at Market in 2009 |
6. Claudia and I were affectionately tagged "Oprah and Gayle" a few years back. I like to think it's because people see us as a powerful best friend duo...let's just go with that. We both have 3 boys, love Blue Moon, and don't own "designer" anything. Just two peas in the proverbial pod.
7. The boys have a had a great start to 1st grade. They love their teachers and are full-fledged readers. I have been informed that Tradd is in love. Stop it. Rumor is that this "girlfriend" started calling him "Traddy Boo". Seriously. Stop it.
8. Hampton is apparently the smartest baby in the world. He only walked for a few days until he learned that the faster he shuffled those little feet, the faster he could wreck havoc. He is climbing stairs, throwing away his own diapers {for real}, mounting his rocking horse solo and eating us out of house and home...and making our house an
incredibly happy place to live.
9. This time in two weeks I will be sitting on a beach in Mexico without a care in the world. Counting the days, people, counting. the. days.
10. A girl in Best Buy approached me to tell me I looked like Katy Perry. Really? Not sure if it was the no make-up and workout clothes that prompted that I have no idea. I, of course, said, "Thank you. I get that all the time."
11. Today was my lucky day at the Target. I wanted a salted caramel mocha so badly, but decided to save the calories. I thought about that goodness the whole time I was shopping. And would you believe when I was checking out, the little Starbucks fairy was handing out tiny sample cups of the salted caramel white mocha. Yes, please! Got my little fix for free and saved 400+ calories!
12. I say "the" before most store names...the Wal-Mart, the Ross Dress for Less, the Publix. I have no idea why I do this. Do you?
13. The other day in the car Jackson informed me that they were triplets. I explained that he and Tradd were twins, but that Hampton was just their brother. He said no. Then he told me that when we have another baby they will be fourlets...and after that fivelets.