
Because HE Lives!

Happy Easter!

For some reason this year Easter just clicked for me.  I feel like for the first time in my life I really am beginning to grasp the concept of the sacrifice that my Savior made for me.  Our sermon series during this Lenten season was titled "24 Hours" and focused on the final 24 hours that Jesus was on this Earth.  Our pastors based their teaching on this book...

I think Romans 6: 6-11 sums up exactly where I am today as I celebrate the Resurrection...

6-11Could it be any clearer? Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life—no longer at sin's every beck and call! What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ's sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us. From now on, think of it this way: Sin speaks a dead language that means nothing to you; God speaks your mother tongue, and you hang on every word. You are dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did.

After church we tried to get a family picture on our front porch.  It involved a tripod and three grumpy boys who wanted to come inside and change clothes!  I had to include both of these pictures because the first one just literally makes me laugh out loud....Where's Tradd?  I was running to get in the picture and apparently smothered him in trying to make it.  He was saying, "Y'all!  I can't see!"  HA!  And boy do I look preggo here...wowsers!  
I was happy with the second one!

I also want to say that giving up Facebook for lent was just what I needed...it really helped me put into perspective the amount of time I was wasting.  Honestly, when I'm home and on the internet I am mostly reading other people's blogs or writing on my own.  What I learned is that when I am away from home and having to wait somewhere (i.e. to pick up boys, in stopped traffic, for my gym class to start)  I would reach for my phone to check out FB...so I put a small book in my car called "To Live Is Christ" by Beth Moore and I would reach for that instead.  I will be back on Facebook, but will be keeping myself in check.    


Southern Baby: 22 weeks

How Far Along: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: 11  inches long, head to heel, and weighs about a pound 
Maternity Clothes: Wearing all maternity clothes now...tried on bathing suits this week. 
 Not a pretty sight.  ewww.  I need a tan!   

Gender: It's a BOY!  

Movement: Feeling him move ALL the time!  During my very first ultrasound, my doctor said this baby was a mover and a shaker...seems he was right!    

Sleep: Sleeping well all night long!  

What I miss: ENERGY!  

Cravings:  Sonic Oreo Blast

I don't want to forget....Jackson asked me what the baby was going to call me.  I explained that he won't be able to "call" me because he won't be able to talk...he'll just cry.  He thought for a second and said, "But we can still call you 'Mama' right?"


Southern Baby

Good grief, we're having another baby boy!  

I found this picture in the move and kept it close to use for the "announcement" post if it was a boy...
I mean look at that face...makes me smile every time I look at it.
Our precious baby boy is perfect.  Measures exactly as he should and is weighing 14 ounces!  He was laying with his face down so we could not get a good look at his face, I am hoping we'll at least have one more ultrasound to get another look at him.  We took the boys with us, so the ultrasound tech immediately started looking for "parts" and as soon as she went across his tiny bottom we all saw boy parts!  Excited to have another cuddly, crazy, soft, dirt-covered little boy to add to our family!  


Southern EvErYtHiNg!

Southern Home

WE FINALLY MOVED!!!  Sorry for no post lately, it's been a busy, exhausting, thrilling two weeks!  We started the process weekend before last and the unpacking continues...We absolutely could not have done this without my parents.  They have helped us both weekends Saturday and Sunday.  We've joked that they were so willing to help to have their space back, and while I know that must be partly true, we miss them and they miss us.  I will always look back on our time at their house as a blessing.  The pictures below show what the house looks like the day before we moved in...and of course, when I downloaded them I realized I didn't take pics from the street or upstairs.  It looks so different now with our furniture and "stuff".  I will take pictures later this week of all the places I missed!

Southern Boys

Friday is really the only day of the week we don't have to be up and out of the house for school or church or t-ball.  Last Friday morning, the boys and I woke up to NO alarm clock and made waffles for the first time in our new kitchen!  Such a sweet, yet sticky memory!

Southern Baby: 20 weeks

Half way there and this is our week!  We will get to see our sweet baby for the first time since January and I can not wait...My constant prayer has been for a healthy, happy baby who is a great sleeper so at least we will get to check on the healthy part!

How Far Along: 20 Weeks

Size of baby: 6 1/2  inches long, crown to rump, and weighs about 10 1/2 ounces 

Maternity Clothes:  Maternity clothes are unpacked in the new closet and I definitely need them now...I owe my great friends Micah, Christi, and Jessica a huge thank you for sharing their maternity clothes with me!  I am gonna look so cute this summer!   

Gender: Thursday is our BIG DAY!!  Like I have said before, I keep thinking girl because EVERYBODY is saying girl, but it would not surprise me one bit for this to be another precious little boy!  I am so thankful that we've been given chance to love another BABY, boy or girl!   

Movement: I am feeling the baby move all the time!  Lee felt it three times back to back last night and it was so exciting!  Looking forward to when the boys can feel it  

Sleep: Sleeping like a rock!  Could be the move, but I'm lovin' it!

What I miss:  Energy!

Cravings: Sonic Hot Fudge Sunday..
If you remember, I wanted McDonald's, 
 but Lee offered to go to Sonic and that's all she wrote....